cock-a-doodle Doo
For 4 people / Preparation time 15 min / Cooking time 2h30

4 chicken thigh
2-4 potatoes according to their size
1 onion
2 quinces, 2-3 carrots, a few bay leaves depending on your taste
Our Exuberance Imperiale or Detoxology tea previously infused in a classic way at 95 ° C for 3 minutes
2 to 4 tablespoons of old rum or Cognac ,
Fleur de sel and pepper to taste
For decoration; parsley leaves
As always in my recipes, this is a simple inspiration. You can change the ingredients to suit your taste.
In the anti-waste approach which is very important to us, note that the sauce that remains at the bottom of the dish can easily be kept for 24 hours in the refrigerator and can be used as a base for the preparation of a delicious pasta dish the next day.
1) Place the chicken thighs in a dish and surround them with potatoes, carrots, onions, quinces and / or apples, or other fruits or vegetables of your choice previously cut. Add pepper and lemon thyme. Cut a few slices of untreated lemon and place them directly on the chicken thighs with the bay leaves.
2) To give a unique flavor to your dish:
Infuse 1 tablespoon of tea in 500 ml of water at 95 ° for 3 minutes. Add an old rum or another alcohol of your choice with the previously infused tea and pour the whole into the dish over the chicken thighs surrounded by fruits and vegetables. in the center of the dish
3) Bake everything in an oven previously heated to 120 ° C. It is better to turn off the hot air function if your oven allows it, otherwise, it is better to make this dish in a casserole dish. For optimal cooking, the dish should be covered.
Leave to cook for about 2h30. To reduce the cooking time, you can first sear the chicken thighs for 3 to 4 minutes in a pan or increase the temperature to 150 ° C at the end of cooking.
4) Enjoy this dish accompanied by the same tea used for its preparation and a glass of white wine or light red wine.